Tuning Services

Fine Tuning - $150

Every piano is tuned to A440, with very few exceptions. A proper fine piano tuning can only be done when the piano is close to pitch, as large movements of the strings cause everything else to go out of tune. Generally, if your piano has been tuned within 6-12 months and has been in a stable environment, a fine tuning is adequate to get your instrument sounding fantastic.

Every fine tuning includes:

  • Initial Evaluation (New Clients)

  • Fine Tuning

  • Light Cleaning

  • Reduce Friction and Fix Sticking Keys

  • Touch-up Voicing (make it more melodic)

  • Touch-up Regulation (make keys easier to play)

  • Up to 10 minutes of complimentary adjustments & repairs for your piano, as needed.

Pitch Correction & Fine Tuning - $210

Pianos that are too far from pitch require a pitch correction before a fine tuning can be done. The idea behind pitch correcting is to get the strings very close to proper tension so that a fine tuning can be performed with stable results.

Generally, if it’s been more than one year since your last tuning, or if the piano has been moved or experienced an unstable environment, it will need a both a pitch correction & fine tuning

Every pitch correction & fine tuning includes:

  • Initial Evaluation (New Clients)

  • Pitch Correction

  • Fine Tuning

  • Light Cleaning

  • Reduce Friction and Fix Sticking Keys

  • Touch-up Voicing (make it more melodic)

  • Touch-up Regulation (make keys easier to play)

  • Up to 10 minutes of complimentary adjustments & repairs for your piano, as needed.

What People Are Saying . . .

  • "Brent did an awesome job. Took his time, got every key just right and in the midst of his testing we had a wonderful concert! Highly recommend Brent and Songbird Piano Service.” Suzanne G.

  • "Brent is impeccable at what he does. He took extra time to make sure the piano was not only in tune, but focused on every detail to get her in perfect playing shape. He’s the go to piano man!" Jamey M